Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We Made It

We made it to Michigan. Our moving truck and all our things made it to Michigan as well. Yippee!! So far, everything is intact. Our house is bigger than I remembered...except for the kitchen. Where on earth am I going to store all this stuff?????? How many kitchen boxes should one gal have???? Don't answer that. I am afraid I have enough for several kitchen. Hee hee.
We took the kids to their new school today to register. The school is MUCH larger than they are used to. We have been praying for several months for good friends for our girls. Tomorrow, I hope they find them. Both girls are very excited about their day tomorrow. While on a tour of the school, several girls smiled at ours. That is a good start. Thank you Lord.
Lots still left to do. I am going to drag most of the boxes in the basement and bring up a few at a time. I am beyond sick of looking at cardboard. I figure the basement is out of site out of mind. Right? :) We also want to put up our Christmas tree. Lets just add more into our mix. But, it is time and we can see all the neighbors have theirs up. Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us and my sissy and nephew will come up this weekend for a visit. She will help get this place whipped into shape. I also need Lori. She would REALLY knock out some boxes. :)
Last night I walked out onto the deck to see what I could see. I saw this very bright full moon. I spoke to God and gave Him thanks for what He has done for us so far. I also was reminded that all my loved and dear friends back home, were also able to see the same beautiful moon that I was. There is a lot of comfort in that.
I found a scripture that has been very dear to me these past few weeks. Malachi 3:6 says...."I the Lord do not change." The same God that I served in Illinois is the same God in Michigan. My circumstances might change...but He does NOT. Isn't that amazing? So, off we go into our new life here. I will never forget my old life nor let it go. Waaaaaay to many people I love back home. And, I am counting the days until I can see and hug them again.


Unknown said...

TWO more days...and I be there! I believe I must go buy some cute fuzzy boots like you have since snow is coming already. Be calm and enjoy your new home, cardboard and all. I know I will enjoy it so very, very soon.

Much Love from Illinois!

Dawn Gahan said...

Your outlook on all this activity is so positive and heartwarming. I feel good things in store for you and your family.