Friday, April 30, 2010
While My Guitar Gently Weeps(ukulele)
(you will have to pause my playlist so both are not going at the same time.)
Cleaning up
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Houston....We Have A Problem

There is a serious problem with my new job. I work in the afternoons. For you see, that is coffee time for me. (I just made a rhyme!) My system is used to that dark, hot, creamy, sweet cup of loveliness most afternoons at 2:00 sharp. It is like my poor body is going through withdraws. Heck, it probably is. HA! Anybody out there who understands my plight?
Firsts for this mama....

As a mother of a teenage daughter, I did two things today for the first time. First, I made an appointment with a "stylist" to have my daughters hair done for her 8th Grade formal dance this Saturday night. She would like to have an up-do.

Second, I enrolled my daughter in driving school!!!!!!! She will start taking her lessons in July. It just seems like yesterday we were driving cars like these in Disney and soon she will be driving the same vehicle that I do. Strange I tell you.....just strange.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sparkly Smile
Today was the big day. The one I knew was coming. The one my daughter was looking forward to. The one my husband did not want to come since they are soooooo expensive. :)
Braces Day!! This is her before......
And here is her afters. How pretty! :) She went with pink and orange. She already has her colors picked out for the next time. Now that is being organized if I have ever seen it.
So far so good. She is still pleased with them and happy she got them. She is brushing her teeth after every bite she puts in her mouth. (Wonder how long that will last.) She has only taken Tylenol one time. Yeah for her! :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
For Good.....
My friends and sis came up this weekend for a visit. We were supposed to have one more but her son broke his nose playing baseball and she had to stay home. We were all sorry that she could not join us. We missed her!
I thought it might be fun to go see Lake Michigan and go to a sweet little beach town to shop in some of their little stores and drink coffee and just visit and laugh and enjoy each other. The rain held off until our drive home. Yeah!! :)
We saw a sweet little sign about friends that was cute....
We went to a greenhouse in my little town that took our breath away when we walked in! There was color color color everywhere our eyes could see. It was amazing! We talked about how God could come up with all those different colors for our enjoyment.
We stopped on the beach to see the water and the lighthouse. The sand looked so inviting. We told it we would come back to play another day when the impending rain was not hovering over our heads and the weather was a bit warmer....say 30 degrees or so. :)
As usual, our time together goes by so quickly. I am thankful that these dear gals drove the four hours up to see me. I miss them. Someone asked me if I missed my home town. The answer I gave them, rather quickly, was "No, I don't." Now, if you ask me do I miss some of the people in my home town my answer would be completely different. God had revealed something to me these past few months. Some people have come into my life for a reason. If only to bring me joy and laughter and compassion and strength when I am so very weak. This group of ladies have brought all these things to me. For however long they are in my life, I am so very thankful. I found this song and I thought it was perfect for my friends. All of them.
(you will have to pause my playlist on the side to listen)
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Big Reveal
Thanks for visiting my kitchen. I would make you a cup of coffee if you came by and chances are you could have a soft warm cookie to go with it. :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sophie The Treat Thief
For an old girl of 12...she is one smart cookie.
God Loves You!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Journey

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
What's That Song?
The ice cream truck!! How lovely!! I have a feeling we may get to know the fellow who drives this truck-of-joy around our neighborhood quite well this summer. And the little tune he was playing was Pop Goes The Weasel. Now it is stuck in my head!! UGHHH!! :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Much Better
Home Depot had some pretty things out yesterday. I tried really hard to ignore them...I really did. But, the top ones are called English Daisy's. I mean, daisy's are my favorite flower and pink is my most favorite what's a girl to do?
Ah Spring.....I can not wait for your arrival. Flowers and flowers and flowers! Please hurry!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Sunday
Easter is over. Our house was filled with loved ones. We made more memories to store up in our hearts until the next time we can all be together. Happy Easter!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Spring Break
I am happy to report that both girls were cavity free. The only one who got a beautiful white new filling was me! Ugh. The problem with getting fillings is that I know to much about them. I knew what was coming every step of the way. That can be fantastic if you are a dental assistant and the doctor is waiting on you to hand him what he needs. But, when you are the
After our teeth cleaning, it was time for the beauty shop. My mom has retired from doing hair. But, she still will cut ours occasionally. Her arms are not working like they should so it is hard for her to lift them. So, we improvised. She sat on a stool up high and my daughter sat on a cooler from the garage where she was down low.
My mother said this was a first for her. She had never ever cut hair on a cooler before. :)
We also watched some of the basketball playoffs while we were home. We just had to root for Michigan State. They won the game while we were home...but lost last night.
My daddy would have coffee made for my mama and I each morning while we were home. He is just the best. My mama is very lucky to have him.
Do you know what this little tuff of fluff is??? Here comes Peter Cottontail. This time of year is always fun at my parents house. Can you keep a secret? My dad is the Easter Bunny. Yes, really he is! I am not really sure how long he has been our towns Easter Bunny. My children have never known another bunny but their beloved Papa.
Here he is! Isn't he just the cutest thing? :) He was going out to the local nursing homes to visit the residents and to take them some treats. Some of the residents can not have candy, so he takes them bananas instead. They LOVE it when he comes to see them. Only once has he been chased out of someones room with a cane. I still crack up at that story every single times he tells it.
We also played some games while we were at Nana and Papa's house.
And, my sister and I went to our little antique shop and I found this little refrigerator while we were out. She is a bit weathered, but I have big plans for her none the less.
Let's peek inside. Isn't that just the cutest thing.
And lastly, I got to have a cup of coffee at my sweet friends house while we were home. Any time I get to share with her is honey to my soul. Can you see that sweet secretary that is behind us? I love that piece of furniture. Is it wrong to scheme and plot to take your dearest friends antique secretary while she is not looking? Just wondering. :)
And, that is it. I got to see a whole bunch of people that I love and miss on our little trip home. Got to spend some quality time with my parents and sister. Got to get my teeth all pretty (thanks Debbie!) and my chipped tooth fixed (thanks Dorenda and George!) and got to spend time with my dear friend Lori. Life is good! :)