Monday, December 27, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over

Christmas 2010 came and went. It was good.  I was reminded of last Christmas and how different this year was for me.  I had a couple new friends drop by and bring us goodies and gifts for me.  We had family drive up here from Illinois to spend the holiday with us. It was so nice to worship The Lord with my family together again at our Christmas Eve service.  Something simple to most, but not to me anymore.   Even though the flu bug invaded my home and took charge for awhile, it was still good.  I am so thankful for friends and family.  God sure knew what He was doing when He made both.  While telling my sister how thankful I was for my new friends, I about burst into tears.  Her words were this...."Your cup runneth over."  She is so right.


traci said...

beautiful words.

trish said...

It is tough when you move so far from family and friends. I am so glad that you had a wonderful Christmas and such special memories to ponder, in the days that follow. :o) Mr. Flu is lingering some around here, but maybe that is God's way of getting me off my feet and causing me to be still. :o)
Happy New Year!!
Sincerely - Tricia