Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tiny Little Pies

Have you seen those super cute mini pies made in canning jars?  Me too!  Aren't they just the sweetest little things?  Adorable with a capital "A."
We were invited to a potluck last night and this is my version.  They are not baked yet in the photo.  My daughter and I were so excited about how they turned out, we forgot to take an after photo.  But, they were just as cute golden brown as they are here, pre baked.  Now the wheels in my head are turning trying to figure out how I can make these at the little cafe.  Pumpkin, peach, cherry, cheesecake, many ways.  Speaking of pumpkin and pecan....are you dreaming of fall like I am already?
Hope your Sunday is lovely!


trish said...

Hi Shann.
Oh goodness. That is the cutest little pie in a jar. What a sweet way to serve such a yummy treat!
I am LONGING for fall. Oh how much I wish it were here already.
I ordered some Mary Janes today and thought of you! I know we love them equally!
Have a lovely week! Love Trish xo

Sewn With Grace said...

You have to make these at the cafe! It would be wonderful and customers would love them. I'm sure NK would buy some jars for the cafe. :)

Kathy said...

Oh yum! Can I have a bite??? I am looking forward to fall, not normal for me but this summer has been too hot and dry. Have a wonderful day!